The Hanged Guy Tarot Card’s True-meaning: Love, Health and Money

//The Hanged Guy Tarot Card’s True-meaning: Love, Health and Money

The Hanged Guy Tarot Card’s True-meaning: Love, Health and Money

The Hanged Guy Tarot Card’s True-meaning: Love, Health and Money

The Hanged guy (XII) — the 12th credit of the significant Arcana — suggests that you are at a crossroads and need to let get of history so that you can reach the new reality. Getting there is something your strongly need, yet it will probably likely incorporate some give up.

Visual Characteristics and Symbolism

Even though the Hanged guy may initially look like a bad omen, that isn’t necessarily true.

Even though the cards illustrates men dangling upside down from a forest along with his hands behind their back, there’s a halo-like light around their head, much like how saints happened to be illustrated in art stemming from the old. This may recommend martyrdom, however the phrase he wears just isn’t of despair or dismay, but instead of contentment, suggesting he is at serenity together with circumstance.

The forest he’s dangling from by one ankle belongs to the residing community, reaching around the heavens, while its sources, by contrast, remain deep inside the underworld. The serene search in the Hanged Man’s face suggests they are indeed there by his personal may, and while his proper feet is likely to the branches, their left-foot stays no-cost.

Their hands become behind their in a situation producing an inverted triangle, and this can be translated as actually symbolic of his power to manipulate his existing scenario.

His yellow jeans symbolize the bodily looks and desire, as the blue of their top represents peaceful emotions, the red-blue tone combination once more frequently of Catholic saints.

The Hanged Man Cards as someone

The Hanged people understands that the positioning he’s in is one of give up, possibly to repent for earlier sins, or a measured take a step back to reassess his subsequent progress. This is exactly not lost opportunity, however, while the Hanged guy realizes that he’s merely awaiting the proper possible opportunity to arrive, and until it can, his road forth will remain suspended.

He’s confident — perhaps overly so — which he will accept this opportunity whenever they comes up, very for the moment he’s a lot more than good merely wishing it out.

The Hanged guy card can also represent indecision, and thus they are susceptible to not knowing these options once they do reach your. Consequently the guy remains forever in limbo, caught within his indecision, their major activity becoming non-action.

Hanged Man — Daniel Rodda

The Hanged Guy Upright: Excellent Meanings

The Hanged people in an upright place suggests that you’re in a disappointed condition, caught in a rut or a negative state of mind you should relieve yourself from. It can also be translated as anxiety over which road to just take.

Think about going beyond your self for a minute to modify your point of view and determine what was stunting how you’re progressing.

Really love and interactions

If you should be in a commitment, the Hanged Man are suggesting maybe you are additional unsatisfied along with your mate than you understand. While it might be painful, it is energy available reconsider your partnership and perhaps bid a fond adieu towards existing fan.

On the other hand this cards could possibly be an alert that your partner are experiencing in this manner towards you and being able to access the relationship from a views by themselves, choosing if it’s well worth continuing. That isn’t necessarily a poor, as your spouse might be realizing that they’ve wronged you in earlier times and wish to revive the romance.

If you are solitary, attracting the Hanged guy might be an indication you need to let go of people, mind, or situations which are maintaining your unsatisfied. In the event that you still yearn for an ex-lover, the Hanged people was telling you so it’s time for you release these emotions, that at this time they express a negative consideration design that best brings you serious pain.


Maybe you are trapped in a routine and fed single Senior Sites dating up with your work or profession. This is the time to find out if there can be realistically what you may do to improve the problem. When there isn’t, then you will want to step back and bide your time for the moment, products will ultimately changes when it comes to much better — simply perhaps not quite once you hope. This might be good time to start selecting an innovative new task or type of services.


Now is the time to reassess your own link to revenue. If you’ve come stingy, start sharing many wide range — this could be most effective than you would imagine. Alternately, any time you constantly be seemingly picking up the tab for every thing, relax and leave some other person take action for an alteration. Essentially, you have to do the opposite of what you’ve come starting along with your wide range.


Much like your finances, it’s time to approach health from another perspective. As an example, should you decide’ve become working out with loads during the fitness center, possibly it’s time for you to incorporate something like pilates or tai chi to your schedule. Regarding your real wellness, the Hanged people was suggesting that everything is great and not to be concerned about that which you cannot controls.

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